At multiple individuals’ insistence, in 2016 I entered the public speaking circuit. Predictions my life experiences with cerebral palsy would touch other people’s lives quickly came to fruition. As a cerebral palsy/disability awareness speaker I aim to educate about disabilities. Plus I seek to motivate others to become their best possible selves.

Based off the school or organization’s desires, I customize my presentation to fulfill their hopes. Response remains overwhelmingly positive. Months following my presentation at Coffee Phix Cafe’s monthly Author-Author event in July 2016, shop owner Jackie Larkins gave this endorsement.
“As a local coffee shop we are always holding special events. Zachary’s presentation at our monthly author event created a captivated audience. Even as each month goes by, his presentation continues to stand out as one of the best.” -Jackie Larkins, Coffee Phix Cafe
Options for my presentation prove boundless. I can deliver a straight up educational and informative message as a cerebral palsy/disability awareness speaker. Or, I can transcend disability and concentrate on common themes. The subjects listed below should help generate ideas.
Cerebral Palsy/Disability Awareness
Personal experience combined with an impressive network within the CP/disability community makes me a credible disability awareness speaker. Mixing my firsthand insights living with mild cerebral palsy and wisdom obtained talking with others, I offer a comprehensive look at disability. Truly a perfect fit for any audience wanting to surpass disability misconceptions and understand disability’s actuality!
Overcoming Obstacles
In October 2017 I accomplished a feat I once deemed “unreasonable,” completing a FULL marathon (26.2 miles). An accomplishment which involved overcoming NUMEROUS obstacles. I share my practical and executable tips for success, empowering audiences to overcome the obstacles in their own lives. While applicable to any obstacles, said theme resonates especially well with athletes.
Building Self-Confidence
Even more impressive than my progress as an athlete, stands my increased self-esteem. I can detail my journey from feeling weak and inferior thanks to cerebral palsy to confident CP/disability awareness speaker. Again, empowering audiences along the way via outlining specific tips to implement.
With multiple self-published books to my name, I hold the knowledge to guide aspiring authors through the self-publishing process. Everyone possesses a story after all! Time to evolve aspiring author status to published author.
Let Us Talk Specifics!

To date I have spoken to elementary school students, high school students, book clubs, and more! I eagerly anticipate adding your school or organization to the ensuing list.
- Coffee Phix Cafe’s July 2016 Author-Author Event; South Euclid, OH
- Eastlake North High School Cross Country Team; Willoughby, OH
- Bryden Elementary School; Beachwood, OH
- Local book club; South Euclid, OH
- Andrews Osborne Academy; Willoughby, OH
- Euclid Adult Activities Center PTCU; Euclid, OH
- Wickliffe Middle School; Wickliffe, OH
- A Tale of Two Mothers Premiere Screening Panel Q & A; Euclid, OH
- The Happy Chat Show; NY (Virtual Appearance)
- June 2022 Self-Publishing Roundtable Cuyahoga County Public Library; South Euclid, OH
- Cuyahoga County Public Library Staff Anti-Bias Book Discussion; OH (Virtual Appearance)
- Café Phix MidTown Author-Author Series March 2023; Cleveland, OH
- Notre Dame College Falcon 5K Opening Remarks; South Euclid, OH
- Shadow Screening 2023 ReelAbilities Film Festival; Cleveland, OH

Please fill out the subsequent form to inquire about booking me for your school or organization. Your answers will allow me to give an estimated quote and start brainstorming the best methods for me to customize my message to you. Thanks for your interest. Talk soon!