A week after our special anti-bullying focus chat the #CPChatNow community gathered for our usual Wednesday evening chat. Devin wasted no time, raising an issue which emerged on Facebook earlier in the day.
If cough syrup makes you stiff, tweet Devin at @AdventuresInCP and let him know!
Moving on a certain fact became pretty obvious.
For Erin an ambitious workload caused her long week.
Camp-ABLE remains open to children between ages 11 and 17. Anyone interested should click here.
Meanwhile while a tough week for many, my co-host Blake shared much exciting news!
Plus I shared my latest interview for The Mobility Resource.
As you can see the article sparked conversation about service dogs. Read the piece, “Man and His Service Dog Help Educate Others About Disability Employment.”
The power the written word carries came to forefront when the ill-conceived “Beware the Chair” campaign came up.
Between Emily Ladau’s writing and an outcry on social media the “Beware the Chair” campaign ended. Learn more about this activism by visiting Emily’s blog- Words I Wheel By. Stay awhile too and read her other posts. You will like what you see.
Now back to #CPChatNow! Tonight we will say “Shame on you 140-character limit” and hold our April Google Hangout. Please contact me with any questions.

Experience the power of community! Live cerebral palsy Twitter chat #CPChatNow, every Wednesday 8pm ET.
Time for the Extend-the-Conversation question. What negative stigma about disabilities do you feel causes the most harm?
Until next week, keep on keeping on!